Ready to create an unforgettable event with us?

Workshops | Retreats
Series | Curricula
Panels | Interviews
Keynote Speeches


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You bring the inspiration and we design the experience together.
"She made something that seemed daunting very approachable with step-wise iteration. I felt it was very valuable to take big picture ideas & vision and distill it into our best next steps."
Most Popular Themes
We work with each client to get crystal clear on message and outcomes. Here are some ideas that rise to the top.
In a world that can feel overwhelming, everyday "peacemaking" skills are necessary for work, home, and community. With expertise in somatic and relational psychology we can empower a room with new approaches.
One of our most requested categories, we focus on the human connection that makes great communication work in all situations. Self awareness, tough conversations, shared purpose, listening skills, compassion, social justice, storytelling, and more.
Innovation Leadership
Advanced certification with Innovation360 means we bring global research on practical and effective innovation. We've worked with groups large and small to engage in real talk about what great leadership really requires.
Transformative Thinking
This workshop introduces an antidote to limitations and goal-fixation, helping to create cultures that can question, listen, and observe on a deeper level.
Stress as Insight
Poorly understood stress – when it ricochets through a team or organization – is an obstacle to effective  leadership. When we work with clients, we take a different approach: stress is an untapped resource.
Career Roadmapping
Taken from our signature programs, we tackle everything from "What is success?" to real action plans designed for quick momentum and long-term results. Diversity, equity, and belonging are central to these workshops.
I find many urban development and infrastructure professionals struggle with things like technology and the role it may come to play, but you spoke about these things with eloquence.
- Kyle

What will really light up your event?

It could be as focused as a 30 minute address that offers specific leadership and innovation insights...

...or as in-depth as a multi-day retreat, summit, or multiple-session series that infuses results-oriented energy into your goals.

Here are some possible designs for your online or in person event experience:
Keynote Address, Panel, or Inteview
30 to 60 Minutes
Whether it's a live event, podcast, or online, we'll offer specific leadership and innovation insights in a compelling and engaging presentation.

Time for questions or other interaction with the audience can be included as appropriate for your event and logistics.
Partial Day Interactive Session
Up to 4 Hours
These workshops provide a more hands-on experience to the participants, whether it is an executive retreat or a larger group workshop.

With significant participation and a focus on real-world needs - the session is geared to be quotable, memorable, and provide specific benefits.
Immersive Experience
4+ hours
These events are designed to provide more significant outcomes with ample time for the participants to dig in to the session topics while still "in the room."

It can be set up as a one-day retreat or over multiple days to weave themes over a longer event -- and look at the topics in different contexts.
Series and Curricula
Multiple Sessions
One of our most popular options, series and curricula are designed as a mix of online and-or in-person workshops that fit in with the organization's schedule and goals.

Participants are encouraged to take action between sessions and observe progress over a period of weeks or months.
"My favorite session was Erin Mosley's Career Roadmapping. It forced me out of my comfort zone. She came from a place of experience, asked us to slow down, and acknowledged that it's OK to be uncertain!"
Reasons why our events receive top ratings
Networking & engagement
Whenever possible, we invite participants to  work in partners or small groups. This quickly turns the room from lecturer->individuals to an engaged community. Participants become invested in how their goals are tied to the outcomes of the group during and after the event. 
Hands-on exercises and "labs"
 Some of our most popular workshop sessions involve fully interactive games and play to tap deep into our creative nature. This experiential learning introduces specific tools and insights that can be used in daily life. Our teaching partners also bring diverse expertise and many options to explore.
Safety and respect
 Our style is rooted in extensive training of personal and relationship dynamics as well as the neuroscience of trauma and stress. From the moment we begin planning until long after the event, we are focused on designing and delivering an empowered environment that gives each person choices on how to participate.
"What I found most valuable was Erin's responses, questions, and reflections on the innovation workshop activities. It helped participants be more aware of their natural tendencies toward problem solving and how they work with other people."
I wanted you to know that the concepts you covered in your Career Roadmapping last fall at our Summit and the experiences you shared from your own path really stuck with me. It was the push I needed to start investing time in myself (mostly focused on improving my EQ right now) and really evaluating the current ‘career road’ I’m on. I’m working with a mentor on this, and it’s already made a big difference in how I process information and interactions. SO, a huge Thank You!

More participant quotes
"I recognize leadership now as giving people space and time to innovate, change, and challenge what is... so they can think about what could be. My role as a leader is to help create the conditions for change to happen. I don't have to be the one pushing all the time; I can play a supportive role and have as much impact."

"I have attended many leadership programs and this is the best. I will constantly refer to my notes and resources..."

"It infused creativity into how I approach the work - I love that it wasn’t heavy on boiler plate templates. It gave space for being imaginative."

"There is so much more to leadership than I was thinking about. I feel more empowered to try and make changes..."

"I love that this program has focused on leadership concepts that are much more practical and also not covered in other typical industry programs. I was always soaking up what you brought and never disappointed or wanting more."

Featured clients:

Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment - Executive Education

  • Water Innovation Leadership Development (WILD) Inaugural Program (In-person and Online)
  • WILD Program Year 2 (In-person and Online)

    Baxter & Woodman Engineers [link to more info]

    • "B&W E(me)rging Leaders" (2023 Young Professionals [YP] Online Leadership Series)
    • "Focusing on the "I" in Leadership" (2022 YP Online Leadership Series)
    • YP 2021 Online Summit

    Rogue Water Lab / Multiplier

    • Rural Community Assistance Partnership 2023 Annual Conference: "Trust Building and Conflict Resolution" 
    • Catalyst 2023 and Catalyst+NW 2023: "Let's Sprint: Social Listening and Campaign Development" and "Make Your Pitch" (In-person M | K Workshops)
    • Catalyst 2022: "Humanizing Your Connections Efforts" (In-person Workshop)
    • Virtual Catalyst 2021: "Assess Your Stress" (Online M | K Workshop)
    • Water In Real Life Podcasts (Check out interviews #89, #93, and #96)


      • Affinity Group Community Leadership Development Series 2024 (Online)
      • Affinity Group Leadership Development Series 2023 (Online)

      Water Environment Federation

      • Board of Trustees Orientation & Retreat (In-person)
      • WEF/AWWA YP Summit: "Amp Up High Value Communications and Connection" (In-person M | K Workshop)

      PA Water Environment Association

      • Board and Committee Chairs Training 2024 (In-person)


        • Innovation Leadership Workshop for the Executive Leadership Team (In-person)

        Clean Water Services

        • Clean Water LEADERS Program 2023-2024: "Personal & Leadership Resilience and Leadership Development Action Plan" (In-person)

        University of Kansas Center for Research and NSF-EPSCoR

        • ARISE Annual Symposium 2024: "Science Communications Training" (In-person)

        Florida Water Resources Conference

        • Young Professionals Summit 2024: "Fierce Leadership" (In-person)

            Clean Water Professionals of KY & TN

            • Management & Young Professionals Summit: "What is Really Happening When You Believe You Are In Control" (In-person M | K Workshop)

            City of Auburn, AL
            • "UNIT(y)" Online Leadership Series (Online)

            City of Tuscaloosa, AL
            • "What's Next for PACT?" (In-person Workshop)

            Westwood International
            • Strategic design support of online leadership series for confidential top-ranking (Fortune lists) company (Online)

            Alaska Water/Wastewater Management Association
            • "Innovation Leadership for the Future of Utilities" (In-person Keynote Address)

            Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association
            • Young Professionals Summit: "Create Your Next Success: Career Roadmapping" and Innovation Lab (In-person Workshops)

            Alabama Water Environment Association
            • AWEA/AWWA AL-MS Utility Management Conference: "Innovation Leadership for the Future of Water Utilities" (In-person Workshop)

            New England Water Environment Association

            • Diversity & Inclusion Committee: "Pathways to Leadership" (Online Panel)
            • NEWEA/NEWWA YP Summit: "Creating a Culture of Innovation" (In-person M | K Workshop)
            Divider Text
            I always look forward to time with Erin. I feel that your work with us enabled me to identify those with whom we have opportunity to be more efficient and innovative in delivering services as well as those that are going to be a bit of an impediment.
            "Erin Mosley, Inc. gave an unbelievable session that energized the attendees and got them thinking creatively and innovatively. It was a great event to be a part of and we can't thank you enough. Highly recommended!!"
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