Baxter & Woodman
Young Professionals Program
Baxter & Woodman's consistent investment in its YPs has created significant benefits for the company, its clients, and its communities.
Companies like B&W that are successfully hiring and keeping team members are taking steps to build a sense of community, meaningful engagement, and high morale. Leadership and communication skills development at all levels is a smart way to integrate employee retention strategies.
B&W does several things that make its program both popular with YPs and valuable to the company:
In 2021, we designed and delivered a full-day online YP Summit.
In 2022, we shifted to four 90-minute online workshops.
In 2023, we continued with four 90-minute workshops and added "Cohort Conversations" in between the main sessions. These new small group events are organized and led by YP facilitators who received a special coaching/training session from EMI. They also receive suggestions after each main session for going deeper into the material when they meet with their groups.