Partnership. We work closely with you to create changes internally to your organization. We do not do the work for you, and we do not generate reports and recommendations that sit on a shelf. We attune to the culture and your vision - and as we do that, we support you at a sustainable pace to ensure engagement of your team and successful outcomes.
Innovation. With Fortune-ranked corporate experience in innovation management and advanced credentials with Innovation360, we bring the world's best innovation tools and strategies to you. We include research-backed innovation in all of our work, including: understanding innovation horizons, team dynamics, transformation approaches, scenario planning, storytelling, strategic frameworks, innovation assessments, ideation platforms, and project selection/valuation.
Relational and trauma-trained approaches. Often the reason for frustration or resistance to change in an organization has little to do with the task at hand. We've trained with top experts in relational and somatic psychology, stress physiology, neurosciences, and related fields so that we can ease the way.
Sustainability and resilience. Decades of work on sustainability and resilience from different perspectives give us a deep appreciation on what these concepts mean to an organization and its communities. We've also maintained a long affiliation with the Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure (including the Zofnass Program at Harvard University).
Experience. We've worked with hundreds of organizations. We've been in the trenches of entrepreneurship; navigated and led initiatives within small and large companies; partnered with public-sector leaders; served on non-profit and academic Boards; and consulted for all kinds and sizes of organizations. We base our approaches in compassion and understanding - applying our experience and current knowledge of workplace trends to your unique business needs.
Visit our library to read and watch more about our consulting and related work: Still Curious?